Miss Catriona of Brighton describes herself as “…the nicest bitch you could ever meet”. We thought we would find out about this Brighton Mistress and see for ourselves. Are you ready to get close up to Miss Catriona?

UKAdultZone: Would You kindly tell us a little about your background and how you became involved in Domination?
Miss Catriona : When I was a teenager, surrounded by teenage boys, I was particularly interested in boys with black eyes, plaster cast limbs, scars. Boys that were on crutches drew my attention as I got older. The thought that they couldnt get away, could be easily pinned down and over powered. These big, strong men were at a disadvantage. And this grew into a bondage fetish and onto more aspects of BDSM. As I got better and better, refined my skills, I got good enough that I realised I was at a professional level of skill. I have positioned myself as a Domme with high standards, and expectations. I pick and choose subs and play partners very selectively. I want to have fun, I dont want a job that feels like work. That way my partners have fun too.
UKAdultZone: What advice would you give to slaves who wish to serve you?
Miss Catriona : Read my website, look at my blog posts. Dont ask me questions I have taken the time to answer already. Tell me what you are looking for, what interests you, why you want to serve me. Give me details to work with. Be prepared to pay for my time. The first few emails are free, but after that I will begin to lose interest if I feel my time and effort is not being respected. I will be very clear with you, my expectations will be clearly communicated, all you need to do is follow orders.
UKAdultZone: Will you work from a script that someone brings to you when they meet with you?
Miss Catriona : I will use it as a theme for a session. I cant guarantee to follow anything you want too strictly, because in all honesty, it is overkill to engage a Domme like me and then neutralise my creativity. You can hire any woman to do what you ask. Who will also probably be cheaper. You hire me when you want to “dominated” to not know what is coming next. To be taken on a ride.
UKAdultZone: What are your favourite types of session?
Miss Catriona : SISSY DRESS UP – I could happily watch a man dress up in girls clothes and parade around all day, every day. You can dance for me, prance for me, crawl around on the floor for me. But you will amuse me. So bring your wardrobe, we can do makeovers and cute girly stuff. Or we can go out shopping together. (Public play is a very delicate thing, how I handle it will be discussed at a later stage. But I am all about subtle & keeping it safe).
CONFESSIONS (Roleplay) – If it’s your first time, I will be a prison officer. And you have done bad things. I want to make you confess you naughty boy. I will break you over a period of hours.. Increasing the pressure as the time passes. Mind games and pain combine to extract the vile details of your misdeeds. If you return to my office in future, it will be time for your parole hearing. .. DENIED!!
EXTENDED SESSIONS / OVERNIGHTS – After a long day of denial, pain & suffering at my hands. You can be put in a dark cell while I sleep a couple of rooms away. In the morning I will return to make all those painful parts ache all over again. Or on the softer end you can sleep on the floor chained to my bedpost. To be used for my amusement as soon as I wake. I have all the facilities and equipment to make this process last as long as you want. It can be as evil as you can cope with. Limits will be discussed, from that point on, you are screwed. Confined, battered, tortured and humiliated…
UKAdultZone: Do you attend any clubs relating to BDSM/Fetish lifestyle?
Miss Catriona : Rubber Cult, and planning to attend Club Pedestal soon.
UKAdultZone: What do you prefer to wear during sessions and what do most subs prefer to see you wear?
Miss Catriona : Latex or strict business woman I enjoy wearing. But always heels with everything. Subs prefer me in lingerie… I often agree because I enjoy teasing and tormenting them with what they cant have.

UKAdultZone: How would you describe your style of dominance?
A. Well mannered, and well spoken. With a quiet voice that permeates your soul and melts your heart. I do not waste energy with overt levels of loud aggressive behaviour. I am far more elegant & subtle. Silence can be highly unnerving, a whispered threat is no less intimidating when you are restrained. Very intelligent, cool & calm demeanour, I will lull you into false sense of security in no time at all. I am the nicest bitch you could ever meet, that is how I would describe my style. My deliciously cruel smile is my trademark. It gives away how happy I am when we play, when I hurt you. 6ft in heels I am statuesque. Slim and curvaceous. Intimidating without even trying.
UKAdultZone: Do you also offer other services such as phone domination, email/online, training?
Miss Catriona : We have options: Text / video messages / voice messages / bespoke short clips / or play with me on Webcam Wednesdays. It depends how brave / available you can be ? I can wake you up every day with strict instructions for the day. I can send you berating voice messages with a verbal reminder of your place in this world, which is beneath me. I can be motivational too, reminding you of a fixed goal and demand you meet my exacting standards or suffer the consequences. On webcam I can arrange to punish you, dress you up or down, watch you beg for release or confinement. All while you stare at me, the epitome of sadistic beauty, reclining while you amuse me with your desperation and screams.
UKAdultZone: What are the things You most like and dislike in a slave?
Miss Catriona : Most like openess, generosity not just financial. Excellent time keeping, hygiene and manners. I dislike having my boundaries and limits, rules ignored. I dislike having my kindness taken advantage, expecting my time for free. Taking without giving. If you all did this I would quickly become exhausted.
UKAdultZone: What song do you listen to that makes you feel strong?
Miss Catriona: The Prodigy – Smack my Bitch up.
UKAdultZone: What are Your favourite gifts from a slave?
Miss Catriona : Cake
UKAdultZone: What advice would you give to a novice who has never visited a Mistress before?
Miss Catriona : 1. My main bug bear with a new cummer is the language they use. Constructing messages like they found me on Tinder. Never use words like “Hey” or “babe”, no single sentences. Never send a message as if you are talking to an average woman. I am not average, save those basics for standard females. NO text speak. NO dick pics. In fact, texting is tedious. Emails will be dealt with as a priority.
- Construct thoughtful and informative paragraphs. Ask sensible questions. Check your spelling before sending any messages. I will be patient with an intelligent potential sub that tries hard. I will not be patient for a lazy, inconsiderate, arrogant prick. Information is always helpful, be detailed and don’t worry about offending me with your dirty thoughts. I am equally deviant and proud of it.
- READ my website or my Fetlife page. Do your research. I have gone to a great deal of effort to publish information to allow you to decide whether my brand of BDSM is right for you. If you don’t read it, you will make me repeat myself. You will potentially waste my time. Big no no.
- Which brings me onto time…. Appreciate and respect my time is valuable. This has been repeated by Dommes far and wide. I won’t labour the point. But good manners go a long way, if you have to cancel an appointment give me notice. I’ll understand.
- Don’t contact me if you are a switch or have dominant fantasies. I will not switch. This is a non-negotiable state of play. Please don’t hold out hope that I will change my mind about of any of my hard limits. I am well out of your grubby reach and that will not change.
- You are most likely to send that first, tentative message when you have the raging horn. You might want a short notice meet up. You might be tempted to say you have no limits. This is not in keeping with the sane, consensual, safe play I offer. I will prioritise your safety even if you won’t.
- Please don’t wank and text. Because your dick will do the talking and he only knows one word…. And that word is “dick”. I will read your message and hear dick. Calm down. Think it through and try to make an effort. Plan a date in advance, I rarely have short notice spaces available. It will help us both to book a week or two ahead. Then you have time to build up to the meeting. Hopefully you’ll be nervous but excited. Terrified is counterproductive.
UKAdultZone: Do You own any 24/7 slaves?
Miss Catriona : Yes I am a lifestlye domme also. I have 3 collared slaves. Only 1 lives with me. They are loyal to me.
UKAdultZone: What about those slaves looking for a long term serious commitment of slavery to You. What would be Your requirements of such a slave?
Miss Catriona : This would require a slave to dedicate themselves to me. Be faultless, endure a minimum of 1 year of part time training. I would then consider keeping them as a long term collared slave. My collared slaves have skills I find useful, they enhance my life in some way. They support my growth as a Domme. They contribute to my success and ambitions. They are selfless. Even after they have cum. All of which is a rare find.
Q. How do you make use of Social Media or is it something you don’t have time for?
Miss Catriona : I am on Twitter every day. I like to engage with those active on the scene.
UKAdultZone: How can someone find more details about you and how to serve you?
My website is FULL of every single detail you could possibly need to know at the outset. Nothing annoys me quicker than asking me a question I have taken hours, weeks, months to curate the answers to on my website. www.mistresscat.co.uk
View Miss Catriona’s Profile here